As an alternative to purchasing a company car or commercial vehicle, Mizzi Motors provides a highly professional and cost-effective leasing solution in Malta. We offer a complete leasing service, offering you flexibility and peace of mind.
Vehicle leasing allows you to reduce your financial burden of paying the full value of a vehicle upon procurement. Leasing also reflects as a cost and not an asset within company financial statements, and so is advantageous when it comes to balances costs against revenue.
Leasing a vehicle from Mizzi Motors allows you to focus on your company and its core activities, free from the constraints of standard vehicle ownership. We will take care of all vehicle registration and insurance papers as well as providing full servicing and maintenance of the vehicle (including the annual VRT) to ensure that all laws are held in compliance. We also provide CVA (controlled vehicular access) administration, handling, Roadside Assistance, fines handling and administration.
Being one of Malta’s largest car leasing companies, Mizzi Auto Leasing strives to offer clients the best car leasing options, at the best value for their money. Our fully operating leases cover;
- All yearly road license renewals,
- Servicing and repairs,
- Fully comprehensive insurance, including 30 days EU-wide insurance cover,
- 24 hours breakdown service and replacement vehicle.
If you would like more information about leasing, kindly contact the Leasing Department: (+356) 23264524 or send us an email on leasing@mizzimotors.com.mt.